Disclaimer: This white paper is intended to be a preliminary technical overview of Dibblecoin and the ecosystem and is not intended to be comprehensive or fully final.
Over the past 40 years, the Brazilian Amazon has lost over 18% of its rainforest – an area the size of California – to illegal logging, agriculture. Despite the creation of protected areas in recent decades, most of the remaining forest is threatened.
The Plant your Seed project was developed to protect an untouched part of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest from these threats and help companies achieve their carbon footprint targets in doing so.
Our goal is to reach 3,000 hectares, equivalent to 30,000,000 m² of land in the Brazilian Amazon to preserve this beautiful natural ecosystem. With this, we will enable carbon credits and the APP to preserve our forests in smart contracts, generating income for all those who own Dibblecoin's DBB asset. Each DBB token will receive the equivalent of a carbon credit in proportion to 1m².
The carbon credits and the native preservation of the Amazon rainforest that this provides will be offered to individuals and companies that need this asset during the term of their contracts or simply because they share our passion for natural forest preservation.
All areas acquired are the property of PLANT YOUR SEED Ltda. The forest will be permanently preserved in its natural state, sheltering its biodiversity and fauna for all eternity
Our main objective will be the permanent conservation of the forest areas acquired by us!
Carbon Credits and our native preservation of the Amazon Forest will be offered to all companies and all those who need this asset to complement their contracts or simply because they want to participate in FOREST Preservation.
The carbon credits will be distributed as follows: 70% will go to those who have Dibblecoin (DBB) in staking 10% to the token ecosystem 15% to the taxes owed 5% to Plant Your Seed LTDA, which will use its percentage for Protection, conservation, administration, studies & purchases of new land to further our cause.
Our project will be based on a token called Dibblecoin, which will have a fixed total supply of 30M in tokens represented as the total 30,000,000m² of Brazilian Amazon forests that we intend to buy, that is one Dibblecoin coin is equivalent to one m² of Earth.
Our company will Finalize the purcache or the 3,000 hectares (30,000,000 m²) by the third stage of our presale, starting in 2023. Dibblecoin will be staked to raise a portion of the Carbon Credits revenue and help with preservation native to the Amazon Rainforest.
Last updated